7 Tips to Choose the Right Weight Loss Program

Not all weight loss programs are the same in Duval. I have evaluated quite a few over my 20 years and I want to share my 7 tips for finding the correct weight loss program for you.

7 Tips to Choose the Right Weight Loss Program

  1. The program should prioritize your health over losing weight . Start your journey with a visit to a health care provider.
  2. Beware of promises that seem too good to be true.
  3. Find a program that will consider your budget.
  4. Check the references of the weight loss program.
  5. Be honest with yourself when speaking with the program about your health, habits and other relevant information.
  6. Choose a program that is relatively easy for you to attend sessions.
  7. Choose a program that has a support system when and if you slip.

Dr. McGowan weight loss program is a good program to check out. Enroll in their free seminar by going to www.lastweightlossplan.com and click on the button that says (attend weight loss seminar)

If you have any questions regarding how to do the 7 tips or additional fitness and nutrition questions text me at 904.236.5858

Dr. Fitness

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