
West Palm Beach Man Charged With Threatening Pres. Trump Posts Bond

Shannon Atkins

Photo: CBS 12

A West Palm Beach man accused of making online threats to President Trump is being released from jail on bond, but with a number of conditions.

46-year old Shannon Atkins is charged with posting threats on Facebook, which he described as "jokes."

The comments appeared to call for the president's assassination.

Facebook Threat From Shannon Atkins

Photo: CBS 12

In order to post his $15,000 bond, the man must surrender his passport, have no contact with Trump, his family or Mar-a-Lago, no social media use, guns or any other weapon, no possession or consumption of illegal substances and he'll be tested at random at his own expense.

Atkins will also be on house arrest.

In addition to the charges in connection to the alleged threats. Atkins also faces a drug possession charge as cops say he had three bags of cocaine on him when he was arrested.

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